Life is a Race

My dad once said, “Life is race, don’t come in last.”  but what does this actually mean?  If you come in first in life and win the race you have many chances to be successful and make money or all round have a good life.  If you are a person who has won the race called life than you should help others who may not be in first but are farther down in the rankings, this could lead to both of you making a new friend and both of you finishing in a good place in this competition called life.

Others might not be so lucky and will be more in the middle of the pack, these people don’t have the best life, but their life isn’t that bad either.  People in the middle will have their high points in life where they will have a great opportunity, but they will also have hardships such as dept or unemployment where things aren’t so good but you have to keep going and look forward to the next time you will pull ahead.

Last but not least there are the people who end up in the back and pretty much lose the race.  These unfortunate people will have less opportunities than middle and first place finishers.  They are also likely to have more hardships.  Bu t no matter how bad your life may seem you should always try to make the most of things, and finish this long and difficult race that we call life.

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